Union High School opened in 2007 and over 15 seasons Head Coach John Godinho and his staff have built a successful wrestling program that has seen young men and women grow into amazing young adults, who take the lessons learned from the sport into the real world. Led by ten individual state champions and eight individual academic state champions, Titan women and men have worked together to build an impressive list of team accomplishments. These accomplishments include, ten league titles, twelve district team championships, thirteen Clark County team championships, three Pacific Coast team championships, four regional team championships and one state team championship, and with all the time our wrestlers have spent preparing for these great accomplishments over the years our equipment is beginning to show wear. Throughout the season, the team travels to tournaments on the weekend, and the cost for those tournaments and the travel to and from relies on fundraising to pay for it. We don’t usually ask for money, as we strongly believe our wrestlers should work fundraisers doing moves, hay-bailing, etc….but because of the challenges from COVID restrictions, we were not able to do any fundraising last year, so our Booster Club is very short on funds needed to replace aging equipment and pay for this season’s tournaments. We have started this Go Fund Me campaign to help our team rebuild and reboot. Titan wrestling alumni have continued to help build the program both in the room and out in the community, and they have gone on to build successful careers in business, trades, coaching, collegiate athletics, professional athletics, and public and military service. Thank you for your continued support.