For wrestlers traveling to Reno, an itinerary is posted here: Reno Itinerary 2014
Tuesday April 8th
- 6:30pm
- Practice at UHS
Wednesday April 9th
- 9:00am
- Morning Run UHS
- 6:30pm
- Practice at UHS
Thursday April 10th
- 7:00am
- Leave Coach Godinho’s house
- 7:00pm
- Arrive in Reno, NV
*Staying the night at Time Share with the Buck family*
Friday April 11th
- 9:00am
- Wake up
- 2:30pm
- Weight in
- 6:30-10:30pm
- 1st Session 15u/18u
*Staying the night at the La Quinta*
Saturday April 12th
- 530-1100pm
- 2nd Session 15u/18u
*Staying the night at the La Quinta*
Sunday April 13th
- 8:00-11:00am
- 3rd Session 15u/18u
- 5:00pm
- Finals 15u/18u
If we do not have any wrestlers placing we will leave at 9:00am or after our last competitor finishes wrestling.